1. Changes at the locationIn 2023, the existing occupational safety was reorganized in the HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) group.This was necessary in order to meet the increased legal requirements. The organizational change included,among other things, an increase in personnel resources.In addition, various positions were filled within the company, such as the head of the QUS (Quality,Environment, Safety) department. A new position for a sustainability manager was also created in thisdepartment. There were no significant structural or technical changes with environmental relevance. Thenumber of employees has increased slightly.Health, Safety &EnvironmentOccupationalsafetyEnvironmentHazard prevention& fire protectionOccupationalsafety specialistsIncidentmanagerPlant fire brigadeEnvironmentalprotection officerFire protectionofficerWaste4
2. Implemented measuresThe existing PV system was extended by 165 kWp.The WHG coating was renewed in selected areasover an area of more than 500 m². By optimizing thecooling of one system, it was possible to reduce itsenergy requirements by around 30%. A new containerwas purchased for the storage of hazardoussubstances. The plant fire department's resourceswere expanded to include a hazardous goods transferpump.As part of a management resolution, it was determinedthat FreiLacke would not place any “toxic” 1substances on the market. The stricter classificationof ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGBE) as part ofthe 18th ATP was therefore the reason for a complexsubstitution project, as in addition to implementingthe management decision, conformity with the 4thBImSchV and 12th BImSchV also had to be ensured.1In this context, substances with acute toxicity (categories1, 2 and 3) are defined as toxic in accordance with the CLPRegulation5