3. Compliance with lawsCompliance with requirements and obligations mandated by environmental lawsIn its environmental policy, FreiLacke has committed to meeting all applicable environmental requirements. Inpart, this means complying with the provisions of the following laws and their relevantprovisions, subsequent regulations and official requirements:Legal areaExampleWaste legislation• KrWG (Waste Management and Product Recycling Act)• VerpackG (Packaging Act)Plant safety legislation• ÜAnlG (Law on facilities requiring monitoring)• Directive 2006/42/ECOccupational safety law• ASiG (Association for the integration of work/business and school)• ArbSchG (Occupational Health and Safety Act)Chemical law andhazardous goods law• VO 1272/2008/EC (CLP-VO)• VO 1907/2006/EC (REACH)• Agreement on the International Transportation of Dangerous Goodsby Road (ADR)• ChemG (Chemicals Act)Energy law• EnEfG (Energy Efficiency law)• GEG (German Energy Act for Buildings)• GEIG (Building Electric Mobility Infrastructure Act)Water protection law• WHG (Regulation of the Water Household)• WG Baden-WürttembergFederal Immission ControlAct• BImSchG (Federal Pollution Control Act)The currently applicable environmental requirements are analysed on a regular basis. This includes the involvementof the operations representatives, managed using databases and the delegation of duties to therespective plant operators so that they can implement them. Furthermore, using audits and inspections, thecompliance with obligations arising from environmental laws is assessed on a regular basis and suitable correctivemeasures are initiated in case of deviationsApplicable law is adhered to and any legal measures identified have been coordinated with the uthorities.Identified vulnerabilities are dealt with in cooperation with the responsible authorities and measures determined.6