4. Overview of absolute consumption data/core indicatorsKey economic indicatorsEmployee indicators (as at: 12/31/2023)Male employees Female employees TotalDöggingen location 489 136 625Space used (m²)Built-up area Traffic area Green spacesTotal** company premises: 118.000 m² 76100**=Recalculation by architecture office Schmelzle+Partner (05/02/2019)35390(included in built-up area)41900Sold products (t)2021 2022 2023Sold products (total) (t) 29337 27784 26976Powder coatings (t) 20208 19114 18382Liquid coating materials (t) 9129 8670 8594Water (m³) 2 2021 2022 2023Wastewater (m³) 5255 6933 6170Water for recipes (m³) 976 860 777Total city water consumption (m³) 6231 7793 6947Water ratio (m³/t)Total water consumption (m³) /products sold (t)2021 2022 20230.212 0.280 0.25882 Waste water from the production processes is properly disposed of as liquid waste
Energy consumption (MWh)2021 2022 2023Electricity (MWh) 12359 12114 11822Gas (MWh) 2445 1939 1618Total energy consumption (MWh) 14804 14053 13440Total engergy consumption /solt products (MWh/t) 0.505 0.506 0.498Total generation of renewable energy 3 (kWh) 251000 292000 266000Material efficiency (input raw material) (t)2021 2022 2023Synthetic resins (t) 19415 16792 16229Solvents (t) 1944 1946 2128Other raw materials (t) 9388 8522 7887Raw material, total (t) 4 30747 27260 26224Raw material / quantity sold (t) 104.8 98.1 97.2Total waste(kg)2021 2022 2023Total waste (kg) 5 1771236 1625481 2312264Non-hazardous waste (kg) 1579268 1405913 2071929Hazardous waste (kg) 191968 219568 2403353 Electricity from our own photovoltaic systems4 Shifts due to stock levels5 From the 2nd quarter of 2023, some of the wastewater produced will be disposed of as waste.9